Thank you for the invite. It’s a pleasure to be visiting you and sharing my De La Cruz Saga. The De La Cruz Saga is an amazing emotional roller coaster ride of romance, suspense, and intense passion. Its steamy material is a little erotic. The stories are well written, full of Mexican traditions, and culture. Enjoy their explosively passionate nature. The saga is a twelve book series. I have five out and four more should be out by the end of August 2013.
De La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. Saga has a subtle influence of Spanish and
the Spanish becomes more laced (as the story progresses). I write in the
present tense because I believe it puts the reader "IN" the action,
rather than as part of an "after thought". I believe it brings the
characters to life! My writing is not traditional literature. It does not have
the fluff (excessive description, stage, settings, prose). My intent is to have
the reader visualize and feel the characters story. This is my voice, my style.
Dare to read the awesome De La Cruz Saga that’s full of passion and suspense.
A hot-blooded saga of the
De La Cruz familia and their fortunes is centered on romance, pasión,
and danger. Enjoy their explosively passionate nature.
***WARNING De La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. Saga has a subtle Spanish influence and becomes more laced.***
***WARNING De La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. Saga has a subtle Spanish influence and becomes more laced.***
The first novel Hot &
Spicy, the familia encounters danger, action, and passion. The
bachelor battles the deadly Mexican cartel to protect his amor, familia,
and fortune encountering romance, tantalizing ecstasy, and
danger. Jose Enrique De La Cruz is the eldest of los primos. He's
completely in command of the familia's empire. Jose Enrique is expected to
introduce his fiancée to la familia at the company's 25th anniversary
celebration. La familia has no clue that he doesn't have
one. He doesn't have time to commit to a chica, not until he
meets Jessica Maria Cortez. Jessica rocks his world and unchains his alma.
The hot pasión rages through his blood erupting into hot spicy
amor. Jessica Maria Cortez has always loved him and grasps this
opportunity. The pasión, danger, and hot tantalizing ecstasy
rocks Jose Enrique's world. Jose Enrique is thrust into war, danger, and
suspense. The De la Cruz's defy the deadly Mexican Cartel dictates. Everything breathless and
romantic is magnified by author P. T. Macias into a fever of tactile writing, intense pacing, cohesion, and love.
USLink ♥ UKLink
In Hot & Forbidden,
star-crossed lovers break the restraints of an impossible love. Their love
rocks their world flinging them into pain, despair, and ecstasy. Nicolas
De La Cruz is hot, sensitive, and captivating. Daniella De La Cruz is hot, sexy
and sweet. Nick and Daniella recognize that they're alma gemela (soul mates).
Their amor is intense and passionate transcending all boundaries. Nicolas
disappears to work in Washington. The familia is oblivious of the emotional
roller coaster that rocks Nicolas' world forcing him to depart. Daniella
is expecting and refuses to reveal who's the father. The forbidden is enticing
and painful. The obstacles and chains threaten their amor? The familia's secret
is the key to unlock their amor and to set it free.
In Hot & Enchanting, Ricardo
Emmanuel De La Cruz is the sexy alpha playboy of la familia and is an attorney.
He’s enjoys all the chicas that chase him. They have been chasing him his
entire life. Ricky literally runs into Jacqueline Cortez. She’s a bella,
shy, and quiet certified public accountant that works for la familia. Jacki
turns his world upside down. Jacqueline Cortez has been in love with
Ricardo her entire life. She never dreamed that running into him will unleash
the amor that she locked up a long time ago. Will she be able to outrun Ricardo
and avoid being his next conquest? How long can Jacki resist Ricky’s attention?
Is she doomed to fall under his enchantment and into his waiting arms? Why
is she pushing me away? Do I repulse her? I have never had a chica react like
this. What’s wrong, thinks Ricky.
USLink ♥ UKLink
In Hot & Wild, Christian
Arturo De La Cruz is a Navy SEAL. Christian lives for excitement. He loves it
when the risk is great, dangerous, and complex. He enjoys the thrill of
conquering the enemy when on a mission and the chicas when he’s on leave. Monique Acosta is a young innocent bella
chica. Her freshness and charm captures Christian’s alma. She instantaneously
turns Christian’s world upside down. Christian is hurled into a dangerous
warfare. He engages against the biggest menacing criminal ever. He fights
against time and evil to save his amor and familia.
USLink ♥ UKLink
Hot & Spoiled, De La Cruz
Saga Sebastian Antonio De La Cruz is the familia architect. He’s the classic
traditional macho Mexicano. He enjoys being single until the primos (his
cousins) start falling in love. He contemplates seeking the chica (girl)
of his dreams. Cynthia walks into his demanding, independent, and unconventional
rocking his world. He deals with her father’s objections, issues, and abuse.
Tony believes Cynthia’s father is the source of his family’s troubles.
hot, sexy, and makes me burn like no one ever has. I just can’t be with her.
She’s a spoiled demanding chica and I will not be her toy!” Sebastian Antonio
De La Cruz Small Taste ~ “Hola I’m Cynthia. Do you work here? Is your boss
here? I need to talk to him. Can you go and look for him?” asks Cynthia. She
looks at Tony. I wonder if he knows where the architect is at. “Yeah, he’s
here,” replies Tony. I wonder who this chica is. She’s pushy and demanding. I
don’t like it, thinks Tony, attempting to calm down his body reaction to her
nearness. “Okay, so where is he?” asks Cynthia. She looks around trying to find
the architect that her Papa wants her to meet with. “What do you want with
him?” asks Tony with curiosity. I wonder what she wants with me. “I need to
make sure that he designs the building exactly as we want the building to be
built. I want him to review the land and get his thoughts on buildings,”
replies Cynthia with a commanding voice. Huh, hell no, I’m not taking her
bullshit, thinks Tony annoyed. He looks at her from tip of her boots to the top
of her glorious hair. Hell yeah, she makes me burn but she also makes me
furious. Who in the hell does she think she is. She’s very condescending.
“Okay, let’s start this over,” says Tony taking a firm stance. “I’m Sebastian
Antonio De La Cruz and you are?” he asks. He glares at her raising his eyebrow.
He raised it with arrogance. Cynthia stands there with her mouth gaping open.
Wow! This hot hunk is the architect. I thought he was a worker and that the
architect was an old fart, thinks Cynthia. I like him, ponders Cynthia, going
to him, running her finger over his lower lip, and biting her lip. Oh yeah, I
will taste him. I bet he makes love like being in heaven. I want him. I’m going
to have him. She smiles gazing into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I’m Cynthia
Lopez, your boss,” replies Cynthia, taking a step closer to give him a beso.
She goes up onto her toes, pulls him down, giving him a hot, hungry beso. Si,
he tastes scrumptious, thinks Cynthia, nibbling at his lower lip. She takes
Tony by surprise. He responds to her beso with red hot hunger. He wraps his
arms around her small waist, pulling her closer. He tastes her with extreme
pleasure. He moans, enjoying her taste. Damn yes, she tastes divine, he thinks.
He then realizes what she had said and furiously pulls back glaring at her.
“Look niña, I’m not your toy and you’re not my boss,” replies Tony. Tony’s
intense anger blazes in his hazel eyes, turning them greener. He attempts to
control his body’s reaction to her. Dios mio, she has me all worked up with
just one beso. I have never felt this strong pasión before with any other
chica, ponders Tony, clenching his jaw. He steps back taking deep breaths,
trying to control his anger, and his pasión. He turns to contemplate her
surprised face. I need to be professional and polite to this chica. She is the
customer, thinks Tony. “So you’re Señor Lopez’s hija? Where is Señor Lopez? He
requested that we meet to go over the plot and some building designs prior to
completing the purchase transaction,” says Tony, taking control of his
feelings. “He’s late.” “My padre is late because his meeting is longer than he
thought. He asked me to review everything with you,” replies Cynthia, taking a
step closer to him. She faces him, almost touching. I see that he’s a real
macho Mexicano and that he didn't like me being aggressive.
Alejandro Andres De La Cruz is HOT, HOT, HOT!
The doctor in the familia (family) is always there to help. He lives a double
life. Can anyone help him in his time of need before losing his amor? Alex is
the doctor. He loves to ride Luna a palomino on the familia hacienda. He's hot,
sexy and very warm caring hombre (man).
Claudia De La Cruz is a sexy, intelligent,
dedicated, and beautiful FBI agent! She worked hard to achieve her dream. She's
too busy to fall in love. She never had an amor! She's waiting for her alma
gemela (soul mate)!
Roberto De León sprints into her life! Time and
danger brings them together and tears them apart!
Wow, what’s going on? What’s all
that commotion here in my casa, thinks Claudia.
She runs out of her room and down
the hall. She meets her Padres (parents).
“What’s going on?”
asks Claudia.
“We don’t know,”
replies Papa Jorge.
Claudia urgently strides to the
front door. She sees Veronica and Christopher walking after Roberto.
Oh dios mio that’s my
Roberto! “Roberto, wait!” yells Claudia. She runs out the door after him.
“I don’t want to
hear you lie!” yells Roberto. He attempts to hurry to the suv.
“Baby, what’s
wrong?” asks Claudia, passing Veronica and Christopher.
“Hermana (sister),
he saw Christopher and me kissing. I think that he thought I was you,” says
Veronica, walking behind Claudia.
“Hey, amigo, wait
up!” says Christopher, sprinting after Roberto. “You have it all wrong.”
Roberto hears Claudia and the
other voices. Hmm, that’s three voices and not two. One is
Claudia, he thinks. He turns around, furious and curious.
“Baby,” yells
Claudia, running to Roberto. “Please, listen to me.”
Roberto stands
stupefied. Oh, dios mio! What a fucking fool I am. I forgot about her
twin. I saw her in his arms and thought it was my Baby. The rage and
frustration that I felt ten years ago, came rushing back. It was worse this
time, because Claudia is my mujer, ponders Roberto. He’s in a daze.
Roberto stares at Veronica,
feeling Claudia run into his arms. Damn, she’s identical to my Claudia,
but she’s different. He gazes down into Claudia’s beautiful eyes.
“Baby, te amo!”
says Claudia. She gazes into his confused, pained beautiful brown eyes. “That’s
my hermana, Veronica.”
Roberto closes his eyes
tight. Wow, damn it! I made a huge mistake. I almost walked away from my
amor, my alma gemela, and my world.
He opens his eyes and gazes into
Claudia’s beautiful face. He pulls her close, burying his face into her
neck. Yes, this is my Claudia. I feel her, she’s mia, only mia, he thinks.
“Amor, your mia,
only mia!” he growls into her ear. He ignores the pain at his side. He holds
her tight.
Claudia moves her head and gives
him a hungry beso. She wraps her arms around his neck.
Oh, damn yes. This is my Baby, my
Amor, thinks Roberto. He hungrily returns her beso. He holds her
tight. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time.

Veronica De La Cruz is the bebe (baby) of the
familia (family). She’s an intelligent, beautiful, elegant, and sexy mujer
(woman). She’s been in love with her novio (fiancé) Christopher Rosas for
years. They've waited anxiously for their wedding day. One of her dreams is to
become his wife.
Veronica’s other dream is to be an Eve’s Pleasure
model. This is the only dream that she’s not shared with Christopher. Veronica
has kept this from him. She knows in her heart that he’s totally old school and
has macho convictions. She knows that he’ll never accept his wife to model.
Christopher Rosas is an FBI agent and Veronica’s
twin sister’s partner. He’s totally devoted to Veronica. Christopher is forced
to ask Veronica to help the FBI to locate her twin.
Will their amor be strong enough to survive her
silence? Can Veronica save her amor and twin?
of my favorite authors are indie or self-pubbed, what made me you decide to go
that route?
biggest factor in my decision to go Indie is that I want full control of my
work. I never attempted to send in submissions to any agents. I decided that I
wanted to keep the rights to my work.
was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
most surprising things that I learned in creating my books is the fact that I
can write. The characters monitor the story.
of your characters are you most like? Least like?
well I feel that I’m like Patricia De La Cruz and a little of Isabella. I’m the
least like Erica De La Cruz.
you have a particular writing habit?
really. I write and write when Have the story flowing out. Then I edit and send
it to my awesome editor Marsha.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
really don’t have a favorite writer, but it would be Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love
her stories.
there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
yeah, there are several authors that I’m anxious to read their stories. When I
have time I will. I have a long to read list, lol.
is the hardest part of your writing?
La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. It has a subtle influence of Spanish and the
Spanish becomes more laced (as the story progresses). I write in the present
tense because I believe it puts the reader "IN “the action, rather than as
part of an "after thought". Believe it brings the characters to life!
My writing is not traditional literature. It does not have the fluff (excessive
description, stage, settings, prose). My intent is to have the reader visualize
and feel the characters story. This is my voice, my style. Dare to read the
awesome De La Cruz Saga that’s full of passion and suspense.
you have any advice for other writers?
what you feel, believe, and listen to your voice. You will never please
yourself in three words.
Authentic, Traditional
know characters are like children but if you could chose, who’s your favorite
from your books? Of all time?
all of them are my babies.
song or songs that could basically sum up the overall mood of your writing?
I don’t listen to music when I write. If I have to pick one, it would be
romantic and country music.
you plot out your books or just freely write them and let the characters tell
you what to do next?
exactly what happens. The characters direct their story and the scenes evolve
as I type.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider the biggest influence in
your writing?
I don’t have one, really I don’t. I write based on what I feel, what I see in my
mind, and the characters direction. I also write what I always wanted to see in
the stories I read.
are your current projects? Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Yes, I
can with pleasure. I’m working on finishing up the De La Cruz Saga. I’m
currently working on Hot & Sassy. My goal is to complete the De La Cruz
Saga by the end of this year. I have Hot Angel, Hot & Sexy, Hot &
Lovable, and Hot & Naughty to complete. I’m also starting to write the
first book in the Razer 8 series. Razer 8 is about the eight Delta Force
Operators. These stories will have romance, action, and suspense. The Razer 8
series will not be in Spanglish.
you, Patricia, for sitting down and chatting with me. I feel like I know you a
little bit better now!!
My name is Patricia T. Macias. I was born in San Jose,
California. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a dual Bachelor of
Science degree in Business. Management and Administration. I currently live in
Sacramento, California with my husband and children. My family is my pride and
joy. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. I always
dreamed of writing romance novels. I am delighted to be achieving my dream. I
wanted to write since I was in elementary.
I do have a day job. I love to write after work and on
weekends. All my characters are my new best friends. They are always talking
and living in my mind and dreams.
♥ P.T.
Macias, Author contact info ♥
July 27, 2013 ♥
EST (3pm-7pm PST) ♥
In Hot & Wild, Christian
Arturo De La Cruz is a Navy SEAL. Christian lives for excitement. He loves it
when the risk is great, dangerous, and complex. He enjoys the thrill of
conquering the enemy when on a mission and the chicas when he’s on leave. Monique Acosta is a young innocent bella
chica. Her freshness and charm captures Christian’s alma. She instantaneously
turns Christian’s world upside down. Christian is hurled into a dangerous
warfare. He engages against the biggest menacing criminal ever. He fights
against time and evil to save his amor and familia.
USLink ♥ UKLink
Hot & Spoiled, De La Cruz
Saga Sebastian Antonio De La Cruz is the familia architect. He’s the classic
traditional macho Mexicano. He enjoys being single until the primos (his
cousins) start falling in love. He contemplates seeking the chica (girl)
of his dreams. Cynthia walks into his demanding, independent, and unconventional
rocking his world. He deals with her father’s objections, issues, and abuse.
Tony believes Cynthia’s father is the source of his family’s troubles.
hot, sexy, and makes me burn like no one ever has. I just can’t be with her.
She’s a spoiled demanding chica and I will not be her toy!” Sebastian Antonio
De La Cruz Small Taste ~ “Hola I’m Cynthia. Do you work here? Is your boss
here? I need to talk to him. Can you go and look for him?” asks Cynthia. She
looks at Tony. I wonder if he knows where the architect is at. “Yeah, he’s
here,” replies Tony. I wonder who this chica is. She’s pushy and demanding. I
don’t like it, thinks Tony, attempting to calm down his body reaction to her
nearness. “Okay, so where is he?” asks Cynthia. She looks around trying to find
the architect that her Papa wants her to meet with. “What do you want with
him?” asks Tony with curiosity. I wonder what she wants with me. “I need to
make sure that he designs the building exactly as we want the building to be
built. I want him to review the land and get his thoughts on buildings,”
replies Cynthia with a commanding voice. Huh, hell no, I’m not taking her
bullshit, thinks Tony annoyed. He looks at her from tip of her boots to the top
of her glorious hair. Hell yeah, she makes me burn but she also makes me
furious. Who in the hell does she think she is. She’s very condescending.
“Okay, let’s start this over,” says Tony taking a firm stance. “I’m Sebastian
Antonio De La Cruz and you are?” he asks. He glares at her raising his eyebrow.
He raised it with arrogance. Cynthia stands there with her mouth gaping open.
Wow! This hot hunk is the architect. I thought he was a worker and that the
architect was an old fart, thinks Cynthia. I like him, ponders Cynthia, going
to him, running her finger over his lower lip, and biting her lip. Oh yeah, I
will taste him. I bet he makes love like being in heaven. I want him. I’m going
to have him. She smiles gazing into his beautiful hazel eyes. “I’m Cynthia
Lopez, your boss,” replies Cynthia, taking a step closer to give him a beso.
She goes up onto her toes, pulls him down, giving him a hot, hungry beso. Si,
he tastes scrumptious, thinks Cynthia, nibbling at his lower lip. She takes
Tony by surprise. He responds to her beso with red hot hunger. He wraps his
arms around her small waist, pulling her closer. He tastes her with extreme
pleasure. He moans, enjoying her taste. Damn yes, she tastes divine, he thinks.
He then realizes what she had said and furiously pulls back glaring at her.
“Look niña, I’m not your toy and you’re not my boss,” replies Tony. Tony’s
intense anger blazes in his hazel eyes, turning them greener. He attempts to
control his body’s reaction to her. Dios mio, she has me all worked up with
just one beso. I have never felt this strong pasión before with any other
chica, ponders Tony, clenching his jaw. He steps back taking deep breaths,
trying to control his anger, and his pasión. He turns to contemplate her
surprised face. I need to be professional and polite to this chica. She is the
customer, thinks Tony. “So you’re Señor Lopez’s hija? Where is Señor Lopez? He
requested that we meet to go over the plot and some building designs prior to
completing the purchase transaction,” says Tony, taking control of his
feelings. “He’s late.” “My padre is late because his meeting is longer than he
thought. He asked me to review everything with you,” replies Cynthia, taking a
step closer to him. She faces him, almost touching. I see that he’s a real
macho Mexicano and that he didn't like me being aggressive.
Alejandro Andres De La Cruz is HOT, HOT, HOT!
The doctor in the familia (family) is always there to help. He lives a double
life. Can anyone help him in his time of need before losing his amor? Alex is
the doctor. He loves to ride Luna a palomino on the familia hacienda. He's hot,
sexy and very warm caring hombre (man).
Claudia De La Cruz is a sexy, intelligent,
dedicated, and beautiful FBI agent! She worked hard to achieve her dream. She's
too busy to fall in love. She never had an amor! She's waiting for her alma
gemela (soul mate)!
Roberto De León sprints into her life! Time and
danger brings them together and tears them apart!
Wow, what’s going on? What’s all
that commotion here in my casa, thinks Claudia.
She runs out of her room and down
the hall. She meets her Padres (parents).
“What’s going on?”
asks Claudia.
“We don’t know,”
replies Papa Jorge.
Claudia urgently strides to the
front door. She sees Veronica and Christopher walking after Roberto.
Oh dios mio that’s my
Roberto! “Roberto, wait!” yells Claudia. She runs out the door after him.
“I don’t want to
hear you lie!” yells Roberto. He attempts to hurry to the suv.
“Baby, what’s
wrong?” asks Claudia, passing Veronica and Christopher.
“Hermana (sister),
he saw Christopher and me kissing. I think that he thought I was you,” says
Veronica, walking behind Claudia.
“Hey, amigo, wait
up!” says Christopher, sprinting after Roberto. “You have it all wrong.”
Roberto hears Claudia and the
other voices. Hmm, that’s three voices and not two. One is
Claudia, he thinks. He turns around, furious and curious.
“Baby,” yells
Claudia, running to Roberto. “Please, listen to me.”
Roberto stands
stupefied. Oh, dios mio! What a fucking fool I am. I forgot about her
twin. I saw her in his arms and thought it was my Baby. The rage and
frustration that I felt ten years ago, came rushing back. It was worse this
time, because Claudia is my mujer, ponders Roberto. He’s in a daze.
Roberto stares at Veronica,
feeling Claudia run into his arms. Damn, she’s identical to my Claudia,
but she’s different. He gazes down into Claudia’s beautiful eyes.
“Baby, te amo!”
says Claudia. She gazes into his confused, pained beautiful brown eyes. “That’s
my hermana, Veronica.”
Roberto closes his eyes
tight. Wow, damn it! I made a huge mistake. I almost walked away from my
amor, my alma gemela, and my world.
He opens his eyes and gazes into
Claudia’s beautiful face. He pulls her close, burying his face into her
neck. Yes, this is my Claudia. I feel her, she’s mia, only mia, he thinks.
“Amor, your mia,
only mia!” he growls into her ear. He ignores the pain at his side. He holds
her tight.
Claudia moves her head and gives
him a hungry beso. She wraps her arms around his neck.
Oh, damn yes. This is my Baby, my
Amor, thinks Roberto. He hungrily returns her beso. He holds her
tight. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time.

Veronica De La Cruz is the bebe (baby) of the
familia (family). She’s an intelligent, beautiful, elegant, and sexy mujer
(woman). She’s been in love with her novio (fiancé) Christopher Rosas for
years. They've waited anxiously for their wedding day. One of her dreams is to
become his wife.
Veronica’s other dream is to be an Eve’s Pleasure
model. This is the only dream that she’s not shared with Christopher. Veronica
has kept this from him. She knows in her heart that he’s totally old school and
has macho convictions. She knows that he’ll never accept his wife to model.
Christopher Rosas is an FBI agent and Veronica’s
twin sister’s partner. He’s totally devoted to Veronica. Christopher is forced
to ask Veronica to help the FBI to locate her twin.
Will their amor be strong enough to survive her
silence? Can Veronica save her amor and twin?
of my favorite authors are indie or self-pubbed, what made me you decide to go
that route?
biggest factor in my decision to go Indie is that I want full control of my
work. I never attempted to send in submissions to any agents. I decided that I
wanted to keep the rights to my work.
was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
most surprising things that I learned in creating my books is the fact that I
can write. The characters monitor the story.
of your characters are you most like? Least like?
well I feel that I’m like Patricia De La Cruz and a little of Isabella. I’m the
least like Erica De La Cruz.
you have a particular writing habit?
really. I write and write when Have the story flowing out. Then I edit and send
it to my awesome editor Marsha.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
really don’t have a favorite writer, but it would be Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love
her stories.
there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
yeah, there are several authors that I’m anxious to read their stories. When I
have time I will. I have a long to read list, lol.
is the hardest part of your writing?
La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. It has a subtle influence of Spanish and the
Spanish becomes more laced (as the story progresses). I write in the present
tense because I believe it puts the reader "IN “the action, rather than as
part of an "after thought". Believe it brings the characters to life!
My writing is not traditional literature. It does not have the fluff (excessive
description, stage, settings, prose). My intent is to have the reader visualize
and feel the characters story. This is my voice, my style. Dare to read the
awesome De La Cruz Saga that’s full of passion and suspense.
you have any advice for other writers?
what you feel, believe, and listen to your voice. You will never please
yourself in three words.
Authentic, Traditional
know characters are like children but if you could chose, who’s your favorite
from your books? Of all time?
all of them are my babies.
song or songs that could basically sum up the overall mood of your writing?
I don’t listen to music when I write. If I have to pick one, it would be
romantic and country music.
you plot out your books or just freely write them and let the characters tell
you what to do next?
exactly what happens. The characters direct their story and the scenes evolve
as I type.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider the biggest influence in
your writing?
I don’t have one, really I don’t. I write based on what I feel, what I see in my
mind, and the characters direction. I also write what I always wanted to see in
the stories I read.
are your current projects? Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Yes, I
can with pleasure. I’m working on finishing up the De La Cruz Saga. I’m
currently working on Hot & Sassy. My goal is to complete the De La Cruz
Saga by the end of this year. I have Hot Angel, Hot & Sexy, Hot &
Lovable, and Hot & Naughty to complete. I’m also starting to write the
first book in the Razer 8 series. Razer 8 is about the eight Delta Force
Operators. These stories will have romance, action, and suspense. The Razer 8
series will not be in Spanglish.
you, Patricia, for sitting down and chatting with me. I feel like I know you a
little bit better now!!
My name is Patricia T. Macias. I was born in San Jose,
California. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a dual Bachelor of
Science degree in Business. Management and Administration. I currently live in
Sacramento, California with my husband and children. My family is my pride and
joy. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. I always
dreamed of writing romance novels. I am delighted to be achieving my dream. I
wanted to write since I was in elementary.
I do have a day job. I love to write after work and on
weekends. All my characters are my new best friends. They are always talking
and living in my mind and dreams.
♥ P.T.
Macias, Author contact info ♥
July 27, 2013 ♥
EST (3pm-7pm PST) ♥
The doctor in the familia (family) is always there to help. He lives a double life. Can anyone help him in his time of need before losing his amor? Alex is the doctor. He loves to ride Luna a palomino on the familia hacienda. He's hot, sexy and very warm caring hombre (man).

Claudia De La Cruz is a sexy, intelligent,
dedicated, and beautiful FBI agent! She worked hard to achieve her dream. She's
too busy to fall in love. She never had an amor! She's waiting for her alma
gemela (soul mate)!
Roberto De León sprints into her life! Time and
danger brings them together and tears them apart!
Wow, what’s going on? What’s all that commotion here in my casa, thinks Claudia.She runs out of her room and down the hall. She meets her Padres (parents).“What’s going on?” asks Claudia.“We don’t know,” replies Papa Jorge.Claudia urgently strides to the front door. She sees Veronica and Christopher walking after Roberto.Oh dios mio that’s my Roberto! “Roberto, wait!” yells Claudia. She runs out the door after him. “Baby!”“I don’t want to hear you lie!” yells Roberto. He attempts to hurry to the suv.“Baby, what’s wrong?” asks Claudia, passing Veronica and Christopher.“Hermana (sister), he saw Christopher and me kissing. I think that he thought I was you,” says Veronica, walking behind Claudia.“Hey, amigo, wait up!” says Christopher, sprinting after Roberto. “You have it all wrong.”Roberto hears Claudia and the other voices. Hmm, that’s three voices and not two. One is Claudia, he thinks. He turns around, furious and curious.“Baby,” yells Claudia, running to Roberto. “Please, listen to me.”Roberto stands stupefied. Oh, dios mio! What a fucking fool I am. I forgot about her twin. I saw her in his arms and thought it was my Baby. The rage and frustration that I felt ten years ago, came rushing back. It was worse this time, because Claudia is my mujer, ponders Roberto. He’s in a daze.Roberto stares at Veronica, feeling Claudia run into his arms. Damn, she’s identical to my Claudia, but she’s different. He gazes down into Claudia’s beautiful eyes.“Baby, te amo!” says Claudia. She gazes into his confused, pained beautiful brown eyes. “That’s my hermana, Veronica.”Roberto closes his eyes tight. Wow, damn it! I made a huge mistake. I almost walked away from my amor, my alma gemela, and my world.He opens his eyes and gazes into Claudia’s beautiful face. He pulls her close, burying his face into her neck. Yes, this is my Claudia. I feel her, she’s mia, only mia, he thinks.“Amor, your mia, only mia!” he growls into her ear. He ignores the pain at his side. He holds her tight.Claudia moves her head and gives him a hungry beso. She wraps her arms around his neck.Oh, damn yes. This is my Baby, my Amor, thinks Roberto. He hungrily returns her beso. He holds her tight. I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time.

Veronica De La Cruz is the bebe (baby) of the
familia (family). She’s an intelligent, beautiful, elegant, and sexy mujer
(woman). She’s been in love with her novio (fiancé) Christopher Rosas for
years. They've waited anxiously for their wedding day. One of her dreams is to
become his wife.
Veronica’s other dream is to be an Eve’s Pleasure
model. This is the only dream that she’s not shared with Christopher. Veronica
has kept this from him. She knows in her heart that he’s totally old school and
has macho convictions. She knows that he’ll never accept his wife to model.
Christopher Rosas is an FBI agent and Veronica’s
twin sister’s partner. He’s totally devoted to Veronica. Christopher is forced
to ask Veronica to help the FBI to locate her twin.
Will their amor be strong enough to survive her
silence? Can Veronica save her amor and twin?
of my favorite authors are indie or self-pubbed, what made me you decide to go
that route?
biggest factor in my decision to go Indie is that I want full control of my
work. I never attempted to send in submissions to any agents. I decided that I
wanted to keep the rights to my work.
was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
most surprising things that I learned in creating my books is the fact that I
can write. The characters monitor the story.
of your characters are you most like? Least like?
well I feel that I’m like Patricia De La Cruz and a little of Isabella. I’m the
least like Erica De La Cruz.
you have a particular writing habit?
really. I write and write when Have the story flowing out. Then I edit and send
it to my awesome editor Marsha.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
really don’t have a favorite writer, but it would be Sherrilyn Kenyon. I love
her stories.
there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
yeah, there are several authors that I’m anxious to read their stories. When I
have time I will. I have a long to read list, lol.
is the hardest part of your writing?
La Cruz Saga contains Spanish. It has a subtle influence of Spanish and the
Spanish becomes more laced (as the story progresses). I write in the present
tense because I believe it puts the reader "IN “the action, rather than as
part of an "after thought". Believe it brings the characters to life!
My writing is not traditional literature. It does not have the fluff (excessive
description, stage, settings, prose). My intent is to have the reader visualize
and feel the characters story. This is my voice, my style. Dare to read the
awesome De La Cruz Saga that’s full of passion and suspense.
you have any advice for other writers?
what you feel, believe, and listen to your voice. You will never please
yourself in three words.
Authentic, Traditional
know characters are like children but if you could chose, who’s your favorite
from your books? Of all time?
all of them are my babies.
song or songs that could basically sum up the overall mood of your writing?
I don’t listen to music when I write. If I have to pick one, it would be
romantic and country music.
you plot out your books or just freely write them and let the characters tell
you what to do next?
exactly what happens. The characters direct their story and the scenes evolve
as I type.
you had to choose, which writer would you consider the biggest influence in
your writing?
I don’t have one, really I don’t. I write based on what I feel, what I see in my
mind, and the characters direction. I also write what I always wanted to see in
the stories I read.
are your current projects? Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Yes, I
can with pleasure. I’m working on finishing up the De La Cruz Saga. I’m
currently working on Hot & Sassy. My goal is to complete the De La Cruz
Saga by the end of this year. I have Hot Angel, Hot & Sexy, Hot &
Lovable, and Hot & Naughty to complete. I’m also starting to write the
first book in the Razer 8 series. Razer 8 is about the eight Delta Force
Operators. These stories will have romance, action, and suspense. The Razer 8
series will not be in Spanglish.
you, Patricia, for sitting down and chatting with me. I feel like I know you a
little bit better now!!
My name is Patricia T. Macias. I was born in San Jose,
California. I graduated from the University of Phoenix with a dual Bachelor of
Science degree in Business. Management and Administration. I currently live in
Sacramento, California with my husband and children. My family is my pride and
joy. I also enjoy spending quality time with family and friends. I always
dreamed of writing romance novels. I am delighted to be achieving my dream. I
wanted to write since I was in elementary.
I do have a day job. I love to write after work and on
weekends. All my characters are my new best friends. They are always talking
and living in my mind and dreams.
♥ P.T.
Macias, Author contact info ♥
July 27, 2013 ♥
♥6pm-10pm EST (3pm-7pm PST) ♥
♥6pm-10pm EST (3pm-7pm PST) ♥
What an awesome post Bridgette, I love it. thank you!
ReplyDeletePatricia ♥